Construction Around School

If you didn’t know by now, Huntington Park High School has been chosen for a major modernization and renovation project. Although the project has been delayed for two years the renovations are expected to be finished by April of 2021.

The buildings and areas included in the renovation are the big gym, small gym, the seventies building, and the two hundred building. Although it’s not a part of the remodeling project, the field is also being reconstructed due to unsafe conditions of the track and field course.


According to P2S Inc., the construction management firm in charge of the project, Huntington Park was chosen by the district because many of the buildings date back to the 1950’s, with some even old as 1923.  The renovation project is expected to cost upwards to $64.8 million.

On their website, they stated that “the purpose of the project is to address critical facility issues, maximize student safety and ensure the entire campus provides a healthy environment conducive to learning.”

Unfortunately, the construction of the school is not affecting everybody positively and has derailed several classes.  It has been causing teachers to move around to new classes, PE schedules to be interrupted, and many more interruptions.  



Kasey Huerta, freshman, is one of the students affected by the ongoing construction. Kasey commented on the situation affecting her PE class and said: “Now we can’t run outside, We only do pacers and it gets really stuffy”.

The new buildings, however, are expected to give Huntington Park High School a much more modern feel to it. It is still unknown if the gym will be remodeled because of its history.

Image Souce: P2S Inc

Written by Alex Huerta, Staff Writer and Film Editor

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